What’s new in Moodle 3.10?

4 years ago
whats new in Moodle 3.10

Moodle community is working consistently to make this online learning platform modern, accessible, and flexible. That’s why they have released Moodle 3.10 with some enhancements for learners, teachers, and administrators.

In the meantime, the Moodle team is already working with dexterity for huge UI improvements in Moodle 4.0 (due date is November 2021). But for now, let’s take a deeper look at the new enhancements and features of Moodle 3.10:

Utilize the potential of H5P in your Moodle courses

  • Designing courses with greater flexibility

Within the Moodle 3.10, whether you are creating H5P content as a standalone Moodle activity or embedding it anywhere in your course, you can make it to grade and display the grades in the gradebook.

  • Managing H5P content with an ease

In Moodle 3.9 version, a new Content Bank was launched that leverage you create, upload, and utilize H5P content across all your courses. With Moodle 3.10 development, you are allowed to download files directly from the Content Bank. Not only this, you can even replace an existing file with the latest version.

  • Personalising H5P content

Personalisation of H5P content becomes can be done using your own themes and branding by including styles and JavaScript code for customising the appearance of slider bars, headings, and buttons.

Downloading and browsing course content online

Allow your learners to download content from Moodle courses in a zipped folder. This gives them the advantage to learn offline or they can save it for future reference after the course gets completed.

Also Read: The Benefits of Online Forum in Your Moodle LMS Learning Application

Monetise courses using a new payment gateway

Moodle 3.10 has new admin settings and a new standard plugin that enables paid enrolments. It even specifies surcharges for certain payment methods or creation of different payment accounts for teachers running paid courses. This platform is fully supporting PayPal which is a payment gateway that is capable of adding more payment platforms in the coming years.

Quiz activity gets upgraded

Within Moodle upgrade, this is another thing to look out for. It is one of the most popular activities of this platform which has improved the user experience of the learners in its newest version that includes:

  • Learners will always be aware of the time left to submit a timed quiz.
  • Makes learners know that their work is finished and their submitted quizzes are saved properly by displaying them the status as “completed”.
  • Setting a size limit on the files that learners can easily attach in Essay question types to ensure that the uploaded files are of reasonable size.