Magento 2 Installation can be performed by all the methods that have been explained above. Read on to know more.
Explaining How Magento Maintenance Agency Provides Magento 2 Installation Services
In this article, we will go through the process of installing Magento 2 through different processes explained in detail for you. As a service, Magento 2 installation is easily available with any Magento maintenance agency. However, the article will explain key insights that users must know before getting the services.
There are various ways to install Magento 2, such as:
- Using Composer
- Via Github
- From the archive file
We will cover all the processes one-by-one to provide you all the information about each of one these processes.
Method 1: Making Use of Composer to Install Magento (Metapackage)
There are various advantages of installing Magento via using composer. These benefits are as follows:
- Composer allows the use of third-party libraries without needing to link them directly to the source code.
- It reduces the number of conflicts and provides different versions of dependencies while supporting semantic versioning.
- Additionally, Composer adheres to the PHP Framework Interoperability standard.
So, what are the steps for installing Magento 2 via Composer?
Step 1: Pre-launch
Make sure to do the following: Set up the server and create the Magento file system owner. This owner will run any commands from the command line and set up a Magento cron job.
Next, complete the prerequisites and install Composer.
Finally, obtain the authentication keys from your Magento account.
Step 2: Log in as file system owner
Log in to the Magento server as the file system owner, or switch to a user with permissions to write to the Magento file system.
If you are using the bash shell, use the following directive to switch to the Magento file system owner and enter the command simultaneously:
su <Magento file system owner> -s /bin/bash -c <command>
If you want to run Magento commands from any directory, add `<magento_root>/bin` to your system PATH. Here is a sample for the CentOS bash shell:
export PATH=$PATH:/var/www/html/magento2/bin
Step 3: Get the Package
You need to do the following to get Magento metapackage
- Log in to your Magento server as the Magento file system owner or switch to it.
- Navigate to the docroot directory of the web server or to the directory that you configured as the virtual host docroot.
- Create a new Composer project with the Magento Open Source or Magento Commerce metapackage using the following command:
Magento Open Source
composer create-project –repository-url= magento/project-community-edition <install-directory-name>
Magento Commerce
composer create-project –repository-url= magento/project-enterprise-edition <install-directory-name>
Provide your Magento authentication keys when asked.
If errors occur during the Magento 2 installation via the command line, ensure there are no typographical errors. If issues persist, reach out to Magento support for assistance.
Next, the setup wizard will guide you through completing the installation process.
Note: If you simply want to install sample data, perform the following action:
Step 1: Browse to the Magento 2 root directory
Step 2: Run the command as shown below:
php bin/magento sampledata:deployphp bin/magento setup:upgrade
Following that, the composer.json file will be updated, and the sample data will be installed.
If you need to rerun the Magento compile command, use the following command:
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
you may have to wait a bit after taking the action
Now let’s move at the process of installing Magento 2 via Github
Method 2: Installing Magento 2 via Github without sample data
Step 1. Clone the Magento 2 repository from GitHub or download the required release from the GitHub releases page.
Step 2. Create a new empty directory using the following command:
git clone [email protected]:magento/magento2.git
Step 3: After the deployment is done, enter the command:
composer install
Step 4. Install Magento 2. Below is an example of the Magento 2 installation command.
This example assumes the Magento install directory is magento2ee, the database host is on the same machine (localhost), and that the database name, database user, and database password are all set to magento:
bin/magento setup:install \–base-url=http://localhost/magento2ee \–db-host=localhost \–db-name=magento \–db-user=magento \–db-password=magento \–admin-firstname=admin \–admin-lastname=admin \–[email protected] \–admin-user=admin \–admin-password=admin123 \–language=en_US \–currency=USD \–timezone=America/Chicago \–use-rewrites=1
Open your browser and visit the local link to complete the installation process.
If you wish to install Magento 2 with sample data, you can do so by specifying the following:
Installing Magento 2 via Github with sample data
Step 1: Browsing to webroot
Step 2: Clone Magento 2 directory using the command:
git clone [email protected]:magento/magento2-sample-data.git
Step 3: Now Navigate to Cloned Magento 2 directory and run the following command:
php -f dev/tools/build-sample-data.php — –ce-source=”your Magento CE install dir”
This is all to create simlinks to your Magento 2 installation
Step 4: now it is time to set ownership and permissions for Linux machine:
chown -R :your web server group namefind . -type d -exec chmod g+ws {} \;
Step 5: Clear Cache by browsing to Magento 2 var/ folder and running the following command:
rm -rf cache/* page_cache/* generation/*
Step 6: Use the following command to install sample data
php bin/magento setup:upgradephp bin/magento setup:di:compile
That’s all!
Method 2: Contributor Magento install (for those who contribute to the Magento Open Source codebase)
NOTE: This method is intended for individuals who contribute to the Magento Open Source codebase. To utilize this method, you should be familiar with Composer and Git commands and be able to update system software and Magento extensions using them.
Method 3: Installing Magento 2 via ZIP archive
This is a relatively simple installation method, but it doesn’t offer all the advantages of using Composer. Here’s how you can download Magento:
Step 1. Go to the Magento download page and download the latest Magento 2 source code package in the desired archive format (choose whether sample data is required).
Step 2. Upload the archive to your server and extract it into the Magento root directory.
If you’re using shared hosting, you can use the unzip/extract function to extract the Magento package. If you’re running on your server, you can use the following commands:
# File .tar.gztar zxf <filename>
# File .zipunzip <filename>
now, add permission for var, app/etc, pub folders
chmod 777 -R varchmod 777 -R app/etcchmod 777 -R pub
Step 3. Begin the Magento installation wizard and follow the installation instructions.
That’s it!
Here is some additional useful information on installing Magento 2 on Ubuntu and localhost using XAMPP.
How to set up Magento 2 on Ubuntu?
Step 1. First, check the Magento 2 requirements.
Step 2. Next, obtain the Magento software either through Composer or by downloading the archive.
Step 3. Then, change permissions to read-write to allow the installation of Magento files using the command line.
Step 4. Finally, install Magento 2 on Ubuntu. Enter the following command in the command line:
bin/magento setup:install –base-url= \–db-host=localhost –db-name=magento –db-user=magento –db-password=magento \–admin-firstname=Magento –admin-lastname=Admin –[email protected] \–admin-user=admin –admin-password=12345 –language=en_US \–currency=USD –timezone=America/Chicago –use-rewrites=1 \–search-engine=elasticsearch7 – \–elasticsearch-port=9200
Step 5. Verify that everything is functioning correctly. Access your website’s backend and attempt to log in to the admin panel using the admin username and password.
For more detailed instructions on this Magento 2 setup method, including code samples, refer to the “How to Install Magento 2 on Ubuntu” page.
Installing Magento on the localhost with XAMPP
Step 1. Download and install XAMPP.
Step 2. Visit the Magento website and download the package.
Step 3. Navigate to xampp/htdocs and create a folder named Magento.
Step 4. Extract the downloaded archive into the Magento folder, open the XAMPP Control Panel, and click Config in the Apache section.
Step 5. Select PHP (php.ini) from the menu displayed.
Step 6. Locate the following lines in the open document: extension=php_intl.dll and extension=php_xsl.dll. Remove the ; sign at the beginning of each line.
Step 7. Return to the XAMPP Control Panel, start Apache and MySQL.
Step 8. Enter localhost/magento2 in your browser and select Agree and Setup Magento.
Step 9. Complete the 6 steps of the Magento 2 installation process.
Step 10. Open your browser and go to localhost/magento and localhost/magento/admin to verify everything is working correctly.
For detailed instructions, refer to the “How to Install Magento 2 on Localhost with XAMPP” page, which provides a thorough explanation of each step.
The Magento installation process, as well as the installation of extensions, can be complex. To quickly learn how to install modules, refer to Magento 2 development services.